Black Ops 2: Double XP Weekend

Just to notify everyone that this weekend it’s Double Experience Points on Black Ops 2. Yes that means, every time you unlock a medal on multi-player  you’ll receive an extra 100 points instead of your normal 100 points. So that’s 200 points per kill everyone. Since playing last night, I’ve ranked up 7 levels and it’s…

Tampon Girl: What the Actual?

Okay, so this afternoon I stumbled across this disgusting video of a teenage girl placing her own bodily waste in her mouth using a tampon. I have seen a lot of horrible things on the internet, mostly dead human cadavers from murder cases which BestGore host. But this video has to be one of the…

2013 Future Aspirations!

So we are only fifteen days into 2013 and already so much has happened this year. I’ve had quite an exciting New Year so far, but quite a lot of that excitement has been day dreaming about what I want to happen in my life and where I want to be. I’ve been thinking quite…

LOST Girl: SubterrFaenean – S3E2.

So in this week’s episode of LOST GIRL is quite a sexy episode. At the start of the episode we see both Bo and Lauren getting acquainted with each other bare naked, having sex of course as Bo usually does. Right, getting back to the main storyline. Kenzi’s childhood friend has been kidnapped by some evil Crocodile…


  Lost Girl is back people, yes that’s right. The Succubus sexy Bo and the skinny little cutie Kenzi are both back with a crazy storyline in this third series. From what I can see on the sneak peaks/trailers, Bo has lost it. She’s turned again both Trip and Dyson, embarrassed herself quite badly and…

Love Poem – by @DannoHFive0

It’s dark at night and you’ve had a fright, you call my name from such a height, I climb those stairs and see your face, your watering eyes are full of fear, I’ll turn off the light and I’ll walk near, climb into bed, right beside your head, I’ll whisper those three magic words, “I…