Tampon Girl: What the Actual?

Okay, so this afternoon I stumbled across this disgusting video of a teenage girl placing her own bodily waste in her mouth using a tampon. I have seen a lot of horrible things on the internet, mostly dead human cadavers from murder cases which BestGore host. But this video has to be one of the…

Halo: My First Tattoo…

So in my previous post I stated that I finally went through with getting my first tattoo. This decision was poorly decided and at best, one of the worst decisions I could of made with my body. Understanding this only because my girlfriend has show me the logical side of things than to my crazy…

9/11 11 Years RIP.

Eleven years ago today terrorists attacked New York, destroyed the Twin Towers and killed a lot of innocent people. I was in year 5 when this happened. I remember in Primary School when the Headteacher Mrs Erskine walked in and put on the television. I watched the live news report and it was awful. I…

Olympic Torch Newcastle 15th June 2012.

I finished work on Friday to realize that the Olympic Torch was in my area of Newcastle. I quickly hurried with my girlfriend straight into Town and I was suddenly shocked to see the amount of people that were on the high street. I managed to snap a few images of the Olympic Torch. the…