What do you think of iOS 7?

I remember the 18th of last month (September) when my iPhone 5 received the new update for the new iOS software, iOS7. I tried continuously for about 4 hours until the download actually started. It took about 30 minutes overall for the download to complete and install. Apple servers were hit by millions and millions…


For all you overseas readers who don’t know what TOPMAN is, please check out this link before reading otherwise you won’t understand what I’ll be talking about: (TOPMAN Website) For all you readers who do know what TOPMAN is and who actually do have an addiction to their wide range of clothing, then please understand…

2013 Future Aspirations!

So we are only fifteen days into 2013 and already so much has happened this year. I’ve had quite an exciting New Year so far, but quite a lot of that excitement has been day dreaming about what I want to happen in my life and where I want to be. I’ve been thinking quite…

Merry Christmas!

Hello readers, Merry Christmas to everyone and a happy new year. So today is Christmas where it’s the one time of year you are allowed to do anything and get away with it. Last night I got drunk, watched some South Park and played a little Xbox. When I mean I played a little Xbox,…

Life Changing Events For The Better

Over the past week a lot has happened to me, most of you will already know the situation. Over the past few days a lot has also hit me and I’ve had quite a lot of time to think about a lot of things. At the moment I’m discovering my current state of mind, I…

Christmas Confusion…

Welcome to the nightmare before Christmas, literally this is the one time of year where everyone is spending loads of money, either loans or work pay, we are all purchasing gifts for our loved ones. This year I have no problem with buying gifts, but it’s quite the opposite actually. I have no idea what…

Depression: I Do Understand!

Someone I’m close to doesn’t believe that I understand depression, what depression is or does. Well I’m here writing a blog, words that come straight from the brain. I do understand depression, I know that it is a chemical imbalance that I personally don’t understand because I don’t have it, but I can only assume…

Halo 4: My Views & Thoughts.

Well as you know this game was released on the 6th of this month, I know it has only been out three days so far and already I have completed the campaign and I’m pretty addicted to the online play. This review is going to be divided into three sections. – The Campaign, – Online…


I’m so sorry if I haven’t posted a blog in over a week. I have been tied down with work and other major problems that has prevented me from using the net much this week. Everyone, tonight I will be uploading the usual posts and some new interesting ones as well. Sorry viewers!

Amanda Todd Video has Changed the World!

Amanda’s last Youtube video has changed the world dramatically ever since she posted it. Her suicide was very unfortunate and very heartbreaking. Amanda will be missed deeply and her video is out there, it cannot be ignored and a lot of people have thanked Amanda for this video because yes it is sad, but it…