The Hobbit: 4 DAYS AWAY!

There is only four more days left until the new epic movie The Hobbit is released on our big screens (Movies) where we will see Tolkien;s creation come to life. Peter Jackson is the guy who is making The Hobbit come to our big screens, he’s confirmed that there will be three films in total.…

Christmas Confusion…

Welcome to the nightmare before Christmas, literally this is the one time of year where everyone is spending loads of money, either loans or work pay, we are all purchasing gifts for our loved ones. This year I have no problem with buying gifts, but it’s quite the opposite actually. I have no idea what…

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 – ZOMBIE TRAILER!

ZOMBIES! ZOMBIES! ZOMBIES! ZOMBIES! ZOMBIES! ZOMBIES!  I could post that 1,000 times more and I still will be excited about next month. Oh my god, I have just watched a preview of the new Black Ops 2 Zombies and Jesus Christ. If you love Call of Duty Zombies, then you are going to love this trailer. It’s just immense… All…

Who is Looking Forward for Halo 4?

I am certainly looking forward for Halo 4. It isn’t long until this new game from 343 studios is actually delivered to our doorsteps. I’m really looking forward to picking up the assault rifle and getting stuck into killing some Covenant scum. November 6th isn’t far off so everyone who hasn’t pre-ordered this beautiful game,…

The Walking Dead: Series 3 RETURNS!

YES! You read my title correctly if you’re thinking, what the fuck! The Walking Dead is returning. It’s returning very soon, in fact I should say less than two days away. A lot of people in my country (UK) won’t be watching this brilliant show until next Friday on FX. But since I’m a bad…


Starting tomorrow my blog is going to be daily, yes, that means more ridiculous posts about random nonsense. I don’t mean that in a bad way of course, I simply mean daily posting and gaining more viewers, expanding beyond the horizon if you would prefer to hear that. My new daily updates are going to be including:…

#Borderlands2 3 Days Away UK!

So in North America Borderlands 2 has just been released today and I’m really jealous. I’m seeing thousands of people tweeting good positive feedback about this new game, a lot of people are also doing either screenshots or video reviews on their blogs. Waiting for this game has been a bloody pain in the arse…